International Conference
9-10 October 2025
Het project brengt stromen en verschillen in religieuze vocabulaires in kaart die worden gebruikt door Nederlandse en internationale groepen, om een nieuw perspectief te bieden op het discours over klimaatverandering.
14 August 2023 Master’s Thesis Defense Anna Sijbinga
On 14 August 2023 Anna Sijbinga successfully defended her Master’s Thesis ‘Exploring the Conceptualization of Nature, Creation, and Earth on Websites of Dutch Christian Climate Active Groups’. She graduated cum laude from Tilburg University in the master’s degree program Christianity in Society of the Tilburg School of Catholic Theology.
Meeting ‘Religion and Climate Change’ 13 June 2023
On 13 June 2023 the NWO research group ‘Religion and Climate Change’ organized a first meeting for colleagues at Tilburg University. The four researchers involved presented their project and some preliminary findings of their research.